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Monday, February 14, 2011

Relax with your family in a good Phuket hotel

So are you planning to visit Thailand this holiday season? Great idea! But before you embark upon the holiday, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Yes, you got it right. What will follow next is a list of things you need to do in advance, before you reach Phuket. Needless to say, you need to make travel bookings well in advance. The last weeks of December are unusually busy as these weeks are the holiday weeks. Thailand and particularly Phuket being prime tourist locations, the chances are good that at least a hundred thousand people will be holidaying here around that time. So you need to book tickets and a Phuket hotel after properly checking all the Phuket accommodation options.

You need to make travel plans in advance because other tourists will be doing this already and at the last minute, you may not be able to buy your tickets, or even if you do, you may have to pay double or triple the fare that you would have paid if you had made arrangements in advance. So the word of wisdom is to properly plan your vacation in and around Thailand and book your flight tickets accordingly. 

The next important thing to do is to check the Phuket hotels and decide which the best one for you and your family is. All kinds of Phuket hotels have their own websites on the World Wide Web and some travel websites also provide reviews of the hotels and their services. The Travelogues or travel blogs of travel writers also provide useful information regarding the services provided by different hotels and also the rates charged by them. The five star luxury hotels are amongst the most expensive and only the rich and elite vacation there. If you can afford the costs of staying there, then there is nothing like it. These Phuket hotels have the most modern amenities that can make your stay not only pleasant and comfortable but also truly exotic and memorable. 

But don’t be depressed if the hotel rates do not fit into your budget. There are a lot of other Phuket accommodation options as well like three star hotels which are well equipped to make your stay comfortable. The services offered there are equally good and some of them are situated on beachfronts that provide a beautiful view of the sunrise and sunset. And anyway, why spend thousands of dollars on a hotel when in reality you are in Phuket to roam around, shop and have loads of fun. 

Phuket vacations are incomplete if you have not spent half of your time on beaches, and the remaining one fourth in its pubs, because the nightlife here is very exciting. The remaining time can be spent shopping and enjoying the delicious Thai cuisine, especially the sea food which is totally mouthwatering.